November 22nd, 2019
Today was a good day, much better than yesterday. Got to "sleep in" as I didn't have any meetings, and I didn't have a run scheduled which was really relaxing.

Got a new signup for Pigeon, which is the 3rd or 4th signup of the week, which is awesome.

Today, I worked on:

Starter Story content review (as one of my VAs is out)

I'm excited for the future of Starter Story when we can be even more hands off when it comes to editorial duties. I'd love to be in a time where stories get submitted to us through a really nice signup/submit flow and then we just "click a few buttons" and then it's published.

What I love about doing it on my own is that we can gradually get to that point, slowly building different things that optimize the process until one day, it's like that. And, as we get bigger, it will continue to take away more friction as businesses will be more eager to get featured (more inbound)

Removed Kanban and calendar views from the app

I think this is the right move. I deployed those features too quickly and they are not polished enough. I want to do Calendar and Kanban "right".

I've learned a lot building a SaaS - one of the big things is that it's important to build slowly, carefully, and more calculated. It's better to have no feature than a feature at 60%. If someone complains that it's gone I will just whitelist it for their account.

Kanban and Calendar will hopefully get a proper build and release right before the new year or in January.

Added the ability to reorder tasks in a sequence

Not a super important feature but it was requested once. I found a super nice Ruby gem that obfuscates this annoying logic to write, it's called acts_as_list.

Started work on the new reply box sequence sender.

I'm super excited about this feature. It already existed in Pigeon, but was hard to find and hard to understand how it worked. I'm also excited because I think it will impress customers, and I look forward to announcing on the newsletter.

What it allows you to do is set an automated reminder/sequence while replying to emails!

I thought it would be a whole weekend project, but I coded most of it up tonight! Here's a GIF of an early prototype:

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