March 24th, 2020
What's the silver lining behind the coronavirus?

Some things I've noticed:

  • It has brought my family closer together - we talk a lot more and do a daily FaceTime.
  • It has brought my friends closer - I've been more connected to my buddies over Zoom calls, texts and FaceTimes.
  • It's showing people that you can live with less - you don't need the fancy gym classes to get a workout and you don't need to have Starbucks every day.
  • It's showing people that we can simply shut things down and things will be fine - we literally moved the Olympics to a different year - something that seems impossible became a reality.
  • It's showing people that the world can come together with a common goal - to get rid of the virus.
  • It gives everyone something common to talk about - we can all relate to each other - no matter our race, political affiliation, etc.

I don't want to downplay the virus as it's a horrible thing and I wished it never happened, but those are the silver linings I've been thinking about.

Hopefully, this whole thing ends soon.